This is my dream, my passion to recreate the more beautiful parts of Tolkien's world into my own...To merge what I see with what I do not see, to have a blending of his world with mine...To be able finally to walk in the land I have so longed dreamed of...Come walk with me as we make this journey together...

I aear can ven na mar....

I aear can ven na mar....
"The sea calls us home" -Elrond at Grey Havens

Lady Galadriel

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Arwen's Room

Here is my version of what I think Arwen's room would look like...

I imagine a room with very pale lavender walls.....Lots of natural light in the room with the window trim painted actually a soft silver color (not metallic). Then I envision soft, sheer, and flowing white drapes gently blowing at the windows.... I see some dark wood furniture in the room that has some unique detail to it, not masculine at all. I see some silver accessories like a vase and perhaps a photo frame with a unique design also. I would put a mirror on the wall that some might call "tropical/west indies style" but to me other worldly and elven. Then for flooring if you have carpet maybe it would be a soft silver color? If not then add some type of area rug to add interest with colors of deep hunter green and deep purple. Maybe a tinge of red, maybe, not too much... Then if your really ambitious make or have some one make you a ME banner for your wall. I have a dear friend in Greece who is making the banner seen in the movie from her room, its awesome... If you really want to go all out add a standee of Arwen ( I have one) that you can find at! If your rich and can afford it, oh and if you also have the space, a chezlounge is also very Arwen. Get one in a deep purple with a soft fabric on it....If not the deep purple then a soft silver and put a deep purple throw and or toss pillow in deep purple on it. There that is my version of Arwen's room. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

i think your ideas are really cool... i love arwen and elves in general and want to redo my bedroom in 'elvish' style. i only have two problems: a tiny room and no money.
where can you get a 'galadriel-ish' pitcher?

Anonymous said...

Hello again. I left another comment recently, it's not up yet but I wanted to tell you to ignore it because there has been a change in plans and I am still stuck with my original room. (Does that confuse you at all? I'm sorry... it confuses me a bit too.)
I also have another question. I cannot find a nice covering for the bed. None of the good ones are twin-sized, and it also has to be lightweight because I live in Florida, where it is never really cold. I am thinking a deep purple or light blue with perhaps thin silver designs/stitching in a leaf pattern?
Hannon le,
Ellirwen (I figured if I named myself it would be easier to identify me. It means star-song in Elvish.)