This is my dream, my passion to recreate the more beautiful parts of Tolkien's world into my own...To merge what I see with what I do not see, to have a blending of his world with mine...To be able finally to walk in the land I have so longed dreamed of...Come walk with me as we make this journey together...

I aear can ven na mar....

I aear can ven na mar....
"The sea calls us home" -Elrond at Grey Havens

Lady Galadriel

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sorry for silence, was locked out of site!

Computer wouldn't recognize my password even after changing it, so sorry for silence. Hope this won't happen again as its already happend at least twice lately...If you don't hear something again soon thats whats going on.

My apologies...

Will have some new material up soon.

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