This is my dream, my passion to recreate the more beautiful parts of Tolkien's world into my own...To merge what I see with what I do not see, to have a blending of his world with mine...To be able finally to walk in the land I have so longed dreamed of...Come walk with me as we make this journey together...

I aear can ven na mar....

I aear can ven na mar....
"The sea calls us home" -Elrond at Grey Havens

Lady Galadriel

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Caras Galadon gardens

Ahhhhh its so good to be back again....Couldn't get here for many reasons but finally its good to come home if you will.

Spring has sprung here in the glade, the elven glade. Its bursting out everywhere, dogwoods, daffodils, wood violets, niphridil, new green leaves on most of the trees. The birds are singing alot too...Ahhh spring!

Being a gardener and all this time of year is so tempting to me to go and add to the beauty that surrounds me...I actually did a "bad thing" and broke my own rule of paying off my bills before spending anything more...Have a b'day coming so anticipating some cash coming in for that (hopefully) I spent part of my small paycheck to beautify the gardens...Was like a cash advance if you will, will just use the b'day cash now to pay the bill instead. But this way guarranteed the plants were safely in my garden not someone elses!

Ended up with a young willow tree, some type of crabapple with profuse white blossoms and two white azealea's! Been thinking of Lothlorien alot and thinking that even though there were mallorns everywhere of course, think they must have had other types of trees just for variety in special area's of course. Tolkien forgive me for such liberties...But think about it. They would have been creative and had to have raised food, done laundry, had special hangouts for relaxing, etc. So anyways decided that in the one special garden spot where the stone bench is and where there is a moderate amount of sunlight coming in to plant a willow for effect. Think it will be just lovely! This is just below the hill of Caras Galadon. Then on the hill itself just behind the flet I am attempting to build there, just planted this lovely crabapple tree that reminds you of a blooming cherry tree. It also will get some yellow fruit that will feed wildlife and birds later...To either side of this tree about 10 feet out, planted the two white azalea's. Saw this awesome pic in a garden mag that had a golden chain TREE in white with white plants on the ground around it. It was amazing and stunning the carrying over of the white...Decided to recreate this effect here on the hill. It will be behind the flet as an awesome backdrop and also will just be lovely from every angle that it can be seen. It was well worth the investment as that is how I view plants...Especially ones that hang around...

Also decided to move a river birch baby that was here to another location just below Caras Galladons hill. There was a spot with nothing at all, now it will have something of interest and lovely to boot. Again thinking of the variety, the unexpected interest. Think it will cause the existing similar trees to compliment by creating difference in small or not so small unexpected ways...

Another thing, recently a neighbor gifted us with some fresh mulch, really fresh. Using this to create the pathway through Lothlorien below and leading to the hill...It stands out nicely with a golden color at this point, not sure if its going to brown up or not yet, its too fresh. Most likely it will though. Am setting the white stepping stones that are already here on top of it...Hoping to slowly get enough to go all the way down each pathway that will lead off of the main one. Had planted hostia's along the first part of the path last fall but the moles ate them. So sad about this. Got some moth balls, supposed to drive them away. So far its working except that I need more! Need to think of something else for a edging of the path. Have some rather large pine logs that were left here and may use those instead with larger plants off behind those to create effect. Still a work in progress but a labor of love definetely.

There is so much going on in my personal life that these gardens are soooo needed...This place is so much more suited than the last one was. If only I have the time to get it all done. One can only hope. If not then at least I will leave it a little more beautiful for the next one to enjoy.

Sidh iest le mellon's...


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