This is my dream, my passion to recreate the more beautiful parts of Tolkien's world into my own...To merge what I see with what I do not see, to have a blending of his world with mine...To be able finally to walk in the land I have so longed dreamed of...Come walk with me as we make this journey together...

I aear can ven na mar....

I aear can ven na mar....
"The sea calls us home" -Elrond at Grey Havens

Lady Galadriel

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Just for ORCS!!!

Scary but I feel sorry for anyone out there who might feel left out in the cold....because they are out in the cold being from the dark country after all...

SO for all you orcs out there here's a bone for you! No its NOT a hobbit bone either!

Lets start with a bedroom...I imagine a room in a darker gray color...Paint your window trim either silver or black if you truly have an orc's stone heart...Then you could find all kinds of "armor" like at Walmart during the Halloween season which will start any day now...Look for shields, swords, daggers, etc. Hang these around your walls like trophy hunters do when they hunt wildlife. Show the world how you are a warrior! Yeah go ahead and pound your chest like the Urak Hai...its ok, I get it.

If you have light colored floors get a dark black rug hopefully with longer fibers so it looks more like fur...

If you get curtains look for black or shimmery gray, NOT silver unless you have no other choice.  I can't stand the things but I could see an orange lava lamp included somewhere in the room. The orange adds to the disgusting orc feel...  Maybe it will remind you of the orc cookouts over a campfire in the wild lands.

If you want advice on a bed then I'd look for something rugged and rough like something you'd find in a log cabin or if your a more higher ranking orc then perhaps you can find a cold, metalic bed frame with NO frills just simple harsh lines.  Again add black bedspread cause it just goes with being an orc!

Ok this is getting to be too much into the dark world of Mordor so I'm getting out while I can to breathe some fresher air...Hope that helps you out...


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