This is my dream, my passion to recreate the more beautiful parts of Tolkien's world into my own...To merge what I see with what I do not see, to have a blending of his world with mine...To be able finally to walk in the land I have so longed dreamed of...Come walk with me as we make this journey together...

I aear can ven na mar....

I aear can ven na mar....
"The sea calls us home" -Elrond at Grey Havens

Lady Galadriel

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Update for My Friends....

Life has been a Grand Adventure of late hence I haven't been able to get back here really till now...We have a contract on our house and hoping all the contingencies all work out...If so we will be moving to a new Middle Earth location...Exciting and scary at the same time... I promise to keep you all abreast of events...Sparing you all the crazy details but we have encountered our share of orc's and goblins as well as friendly and helpful elves...Hoping to finally arrive in Rivendell our final destination at this point. I apologize for any inconvenience this delay may cause anyone..


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